Research-driven cross-platform applications using a multitude of programming languages as well as a physically animated robotic agent, designed for research in social interactions between robots and children, with a special aim towards children diagnosed autistic.
Some of our recent collaborations have been exhibited at The Royal College of Art.
The UK has a world-renowned architectural pedigree and has an enviable reputation for quality as the leading exporter of architecture in Europe . However, recent tragic events, such as Grenfell, have raised questions of the UK construction industry’s standards and processes. Institutions have responded with an abundance of regulatory code and quality infrastructures to conflate corporate governance strategies. I ask whether this approach is fit for purpose and how we might imagine an alternative future.
Continued political uncertainty has reinforced the importance of maintaining reputation by ensuring quality through institutional forms and practices. For more than 42,000 worldwide RIBA members , recent changes in global trade dynamics will lead to reappraisal of service compatibility and professional mobility. Therefore, management strategies using globally recognized quality infrastructures are increasingly valuable in ensuring the highest possible standards and protecting trade.
What if we were to imagine an alternative form of practice, futureproofed to remain competitive in the global marketplace? What would be the critical factors in designing architectural labour for the fourth industrial revolution, and what might this new model look like?
Primary research findings include the demonstration of interrelational distance between architects and their clients historically as well as a snapshot of architectural practice. The research then explores new models of creative labour in architectural practice and prototypes 5 speculative devices aligned with the RIBA Plan of Work to improve quality of the built environment for society.
A highly publicised project titled "Building Without Bias" is an online dictionary that exposes the gender biases embedded within contemporary technology. The dictionary can be explored by typing a word into the search bar. When entered, a gender value is returned (from he to she); this value shows whether machines (or algorithms) currently see that word as male or female.
The gender values are based on word embedding induced using the word2vec method, trained on English Google News articles.
Building Without Bias - Online Dictionary
The dictionary may be used as a tool for research, creation and design. For more information, please contact Hannah Rozenberg
Human robot interaction is a recently emerged area of research that is working to understand how to build robots that are better at successfully navigating social interactions with people, especially children. Human robot interaction stems from several existing fields of inquiry, primarily human computer interaction, robotics and artificial intelligence. It also draws on, with lesser extent, other areas such as psychology, embodied conversational agents (animated agents), and also communications theory.
This paper presents an animated robotic agent, designed for research on social interactions between robots and children, with a special aim towards children diagnosed autistic. Within this study I address elements of interactions through animation of the robot, the visual interactions with children, as well as vocal interactions. Also the implications of this study are addressed, detailing the impact on teaching for the future.